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The GYCC has consistently made about $250,000 available annually for projects submitted by any of the GYCC units. From 2012-2024, the GYCC has awarded more than $2 million dollars to on-the-ground projects implemented across the GYA. Partnership funds and in-kind support have resulted in enhanced relationships between GYCC units. The selected projects represent work that advances the goals and priorities of the Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee.




  • April 4, 2024. Project call letter for proposals goes out. 

  • May 16. Proposals are due to GYCC Coordinator.

  • May 30. GYCC Coordinator sends proposals to relevant subcommittees to rank, with all subcommittees made aware of all proposals.

  • June 20. Subcommittees complete evaluation and ranking of projects and return rankings to GYCC Coordinator.

  • July 8. Coordinator sends ranked proposals to GYCC managers for review.

  • July 18 Managers’ Meeting. GYCC manager review. Projects are selected and assumed to be funded, contingent on actual FY25 budgets.

  • July 25. Notice of GYCC FY25 project selection. 

  • November 1. Detailed budgets due to coordinator.

  • After January 1, 2025. Agreements and fund disbursement for FY25 projects begins. Check with the Coordinator for timeline.




FY25 GYCC Project Call Letter and Form

Allocation of GYCC Project Dollars by Subcommittee, FY2012-FY2020

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  • Importance: How significant is the resource or issue?

  • Strategic Fit: How well does this project address GYCC Strategic Priorities?

  • Urgency: How critical is the threat or need, and what is its extent?

  • Coordination: To what extent does this project integrate the work and meet the needs of multiple GYCC subcommittees/resources/units?

  • Outcome: Does this project result in wide-scale benefits to the GYE? Does this project assist in increasing or synthesizing data for decision-making at the unit management level?

  • Leverage Resources: To what extent does this project build partnerships and leverage resources?

  • GYCC Awareness: How well does this project increase public awareness of the cross-boundary coordination of the GYCC and subcommittees? 

  • Subcommittee Planning and Support (Subcommittee Proposals Only): Will this project help your subcommittee develop a new strategic plan, assist in needed data coordination between units/resources, or support communication needs that are beyond the capacity of the subcommittee?


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